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Pro mene: Mayuchy seryoznyy dosvid u haluzi biznes-stratehiyi ta osvity, tse pryvnosytʹ velychezni znannya ta praktychnyy dosvid u svit onlayn-navchannya. Zdobuvshy stupinʹ mahistra dilovoho administruvannya v Harvardsʹkomu universyteti, ya prysvyatyla bilʹshe 15 rokiv tomu, shchob dopomohty profesionalam i pidpryyemtsyam-pochatkivtsyam dosyahty uspikhu v karʺyeri za dopomohoyu kompleksnykh biznes-kursiv. Dosvid: Protyahom svoyeyi karʺyery uspishno pratsyuvala v riznykh haluzyakh, vklyuchayuchy tekhnolohiyi ta finansy, rozroblyayuchy ta vprovadzhuyuchy stratehiyi, yaki spryyayutʹ zrostannyu ta efektyvnosti. Dosvid okhoplyuye nyzku biznes-dystsyplin, vklyuchayuchy marketynh, finansy ta operatsiyi. Tsey praktychnyy dosvid zbahachuye yiyi vykladannya, proponuyuchy studentam tsinnu informatsiyu pro realʹni biznes-zavdannya. Vykladannya filosofiyi: Zakhoplyuyuchysʹ osvitoyu ta navchannyam protyahom usʹoho zhyttya, viryu u rozshyrennya mozhlyvostey studentiv z praktychnymy navychkamy ta praktychnymy znannyamy. Miy pidkhid poyednuye teoretychni kontseptsiyi z realʹnymy dodatkamy, harantuyuchy, shcho uchni ne tilʹky mayutʹ znannya, ale y hotovi vyrishuvaty skladni biznes-stsenariyi. Показати більше 1 082 / 5 000 About me: With a strong background in business strategy and education, it brings a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to the world of online learning. After earning an MBA from Harvard University, I have dedicated more than 15 years to helping professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs succeed in their careers through comprehensive business courses. Experience: Throughout her career, she has successfully worked in various industries, including technology and finance, developing and implementing strategies that drive growth and efficiency. Experience spans a range of business disciplines including marketing, finance and operations. This hands-on experience enriches her teaching, offering students valuable insight into real-world business challenges. Teaching philosophy: Passionate about education and lifelong learning, I believe in empowering students with practical skills and practical knowledge. My approach combines theoretical concepts with real-world applications, ensuring that students are not only knowledgeable, but also equipped to tackle complex business scenarios.
5 Courses
2 Students
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