
Search and Test Hypotheses

Topic Definitions #

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) #

Creating the simplest version of a product that allows the team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort. MVP helps test hypotheses and gain feedback from real users.

Build-Measure-Learn Cycle #

A cyclical process that includes building (Build), measuring results (Measure), and learning (Learn). This cycle allows the startup to adapt and evolve based on feedback and data.

Short feedback cycle is the basis of the Build-Measure-Learn Cycle process

Hypotheses and Experiments #

Focusing on formulating and testing hypotheses about the product, market, and customers. Experiments are conducted to confirm or refute these hypotheses.

Types of hypothesis #

How fast can you learn? #

How far can you go? #

Lean Startup principles automation tool — Jira Product Discovery #

From ideas to impact, build what matters. Jira Product Discovery lets product teams capture and prioritize ideas and align everyone with product roadmaps - all in Jira.

Capture ideas and insights #

Product teams - you now have a dedicated home for your work. Gather and organize your product opportunities, user feedback, and feature requests all in one place.

What are your feelings
Updated on 07.02.2025
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